Thursday, August 25, 2016

Words from the 1st Generation to the 2nd

Annette Schroer
A couple weeks ago, our group got back together for a little reunion pool party/BBQ at our leader Dan Doty's home.  It was so great to see everyone we had spent three weeks traveling with in Germany.  As a leader, I really did miss everyone when we returned to our real lives.  This trip - this experience isn't just about three weeks in Germany or meeting new people, it's about the bonds that form and the life long friends you will make.  We asked all of our 1st Generation Young Ambassadors to tell you why this program is worth the commitment and why you need to be part of the 2nd Generation...

Olivia Young
The YAO Germany trip was a great experience for me because it was really fun to meet all of the Germans and learn how they live their lives. We got to see many German cities and explore them. The German that I stayed with was a great host and she showed me the city that she lived in and answered all of the questions I had, no matter how stupid they were. I encourage anyone that would have the chance to go on a trip like this to do so because I know that I will never experience anything like this again in my life. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. I have made so many new friends, both American and German.

Hannah Gardner
Traveling isn't about taking some pictures of somewhere new. It's about people. It's about feelings and it's about growing. This trip is about the conversations you have with people that you would've never met if you hadn't taken that leap. I will always remember the times that I let go of my fears and my expectations. This trip reminded me that life is out there and all you have to do is grab it by the reins. I will always be thankful to young ambassadors for helping me see a new world and making friendships that will last a lifetime. I can't tell you to take this trip. You will have already made a decision by the time you have read this. You just have to look inside. If you don't want to, I wish you luck. But if you do, welcome aboard. I am so happy with my decision to have gone to Germany and I hope that you will be too.

Sydney Rexroad
This trip was an amazing experience. There were so many things that I learned and a lot of new things I got to do.  Being apart of this trip meant a lot to me.  I made many new friends that I made many memories with. I loved getting to see the differences in our ways of life and learning about some of their history. Being with host families was fun because they got to show me some of their favorite places to eat and go. I got to go to a school with one of my hosts and meet some of her friends. Some of the things I got to do with my host families included visiting a market, touring their village, seeing a cathedral, going to their local stores and playing cards. The actives that we did with our group (touring places, visiting museums, water skiing, zip lining, going to a camp. etc.) was fun and gave us time to get to know each other.  I am so grateful for this wonderful experience.

Matthew Edwards
My advice to the next generation would be to not pass up on the opportunity. What I mean by this is I had my doubts about going because I thought I was going to waste three weeks of my summer. Once I got there I knew I was happy about actually going and not wasting an opportunity to visit another country. Another thing is to enjoy the moment and to take a lot of pictures so you can have the memory's for life. The final thing is to buy souvenirs because one thing looking back at is I didn't buy as much as I wanted to.

Luke Zimmerman
My advice to the next generation is to let loose and have fun. Do as much as you can and even if you're host and you don't mesh, you always have the Americans. Cherish the experience because you may never get another opportunity like this.

Isaac Dean
If I have one word of advice for anyone thinking about doing this trip like I did it'd be Nike's slogan. Just do it. Believe me, I was in that spot once. I was worried. 3 weeks away from home in a place I've never been to that's far away, with a group of people I'm not totally familiar with. I realize now that it was one of the greatest decisions of my life to join YAO. I met people I would never have had a chance to meet, I experienced things that I never would have gotten to experience, and I got to go to a place I'll probably never go to again. It was an amazing thing to be part of this group and go to this country that welcomed everyone with arms wide open. So once again I say: if you have any hesitations.... Just do it. You won't regret it. I know I don't.

Katie Doty

Being a Young Ambassador is an unforgettable experience and is so much fun! You create so many new friends and learn lots along the way. The friendships that you make will last a lifetime and you get to meet lots of different people. In YAO your eyes are opened to new a new culture and way of life. A way of life where you bike/walk more, don't work as much, and are more environmentally conscious. You get to learn about history from a different perspective and get to challenge yourself to try new things. New things like deli meat for breakfast, paying for public restrooms, or using lots of public transportation instead of a car. All around the experience of being in another country is something you will carry with you forever. I've been so fortunate to be in this group and hope that you will consider joining YAO!

Nina Zimmerman

My advice to the next generation of the YAO is to be involved before leaving. Even if this means learning basic words or knowing how to read signs. Reach out to your host and definitely get to know them before you go. It will seem awkward at first, especially getting to know one another over email or whatsapp, but it pays off when you get to meet them in person. Have fun, and don't die.

Will Zimmerman
To whom this may concern: 
Think like you truly are an ambassador. Embrace that identity as not just being a tourist, or host, but be a welcoming host or tourist, be a generous and respectful host or tourist, and to top it off, be a great friend. Create that friendship with your partner, or else you won't get out what you should've gotten from that experience. Best of luck and God bless.

Noah Folk
What this trip means to me, hmmm... Well, I've gotta say, at first it was just kind of, "I should get out of the house" and "ooo Germany, that sounds cool" but we started to get closer to the trip, and we did the fundraisers and mini trips and got to know each other and once we got there it went from, "I'm going to a new place I don't really know with a bunch of people I sort of know" to "Wow! I'm exploring a new place with a bunch of new friends." And that is the reason that I recommend for someone to go on this trip, not just because of going to a new place and seeing/doing new things, but because of the friendships that you will make and even experiencing everything with those friends. That is why you should go.

Dan Doty
Well there you have it! What more can I say? These Young Ambassadors were amazing and have paved a trail for you to follow as you seek to broaden your horizons and "Just Do It"! Annette asked me to write a conclusion to this blog. Shortly after that I found this quote on Facebook,
I urge you to travel.
As far and as much as possible.
Work ridiculous shifts and save your money.
Go without the latest iPhone.
Throw yourself out of your comfort zone.
Find out how other people live and realize that the world is a much bigger place
than the town you live in.
And when you come home,
Home may still be the same, and yes, you may still go back to the same old job or school, but something in your mind will have shifted.
And trust me, that changes everything.

Annette thought this might be a good piece to put in the conclusion and I agree - but I am really more inclined to believe and want to state to you that hopefully there is no conclusion. I hope as you have read our blogs from the first generation of Young Ambassadors that you have decided to be a part of Generation 2 so that the experience goes on!  Trust us, it will be something the changes you forever!